
Project Brief - Template
Brief outline of any background to Project (business political)
context. Include brief outline of rationale解放碑酒吧, who commissioned by创元科技,
drivers etc. Where does it fit within wider Detc
Brief description of the Aim or Vision of the Project (where appropriate
link to Programme strategic vision)
Brief description of all key Project-level outcomes which will be are
required to achieve the aim vision
Also statement of key benefits expected?
What is in the scope of the Project?
What is not in the scope of the Project?
Objectives郭文军, Outputs & Targets:
What Objectives事实上, Outputs and Targets will this Project deliver – include
list key Deliverables and products (with dates)?
Project Success Criteria
By what what criteria will allow us to confirm that the Project has
delivered all of its Objectives过往矫正, Outputs etc查查吧, etc – link to measures of
achievement of objectives睫毛膏太干怎么办, outputs & targets?
Key Assumpti
Include details of any key Project-level assumpti made during
For ease of use, the completed document should ideally be less thanc.7-8 pages,
but certainly no more than 10 (excluding Annexes).
Template is based upon public sector experience of Department for Education
and Skills
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planning on which plans etc are based
State level of confidence
Include any know difficulties ctraints (e.g. legislative compliance
issues etc) that Project may well be liable to.
External Factors
Brief descripti as to what external factors (e.g. further Machinery of
Government (MOG) changes Government reform中国前10名整形医院, o.10 scrutiny,
Spending Reviews, Efficiency Review etc) that may impact on Project
scope etc
Also assess how and what you are doing may impact on externals?
Work Strands & Priorities:
What are the key work strands, within the Project and who owns them?
What are the priorities for each?
Are there potential overlaps with other Delivery Programmes (or
ctituent Sub-Programmes or Projects) where ownership or issues
etc needs to be clear?
Are there any interdependencies with – what to we need from
others what do they want from this Project – again need to identify
who owns etc:
o Other organisation Projects andor Programmes etc
o DPBs andor other Departments external Programmes or
Key Milestone Dates:
What are the key Milestone Dates that need to be tracked? (detailed
Project milestone (and task) plan should be attached as Annex –
various formats can be used ranging from simple MS Word Excel
tables to more complexpictorial MS Power Point ‘Peas & Pods’ or MS
Project GATT charts)
Key Risks:
What are the key risks to the Project? - these should be attached (as
an Annex) as a register and should include details of identified
developed countermeasures and any developed contingency plans
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(latter may well be developed as separate detailed contingency plan)
Include short description of how risks to be managed and any
escalation (to sub ProgrammeProgramme -level etc) routes lines
Include review of assumpti – what happens if assumpti
proved wrong?
Key Issues:
What are the live Project issues? These are problems which are an
issue now and need fixing. (Detailed issues register should be attached
as an Annex)
Again include short description of how to be managed escalation lines
Structure ( Governance & Accountabilities)
Detail how Project to be structured governed – by Project Board
(include details (as Annexes) of ctitution membership; Structure;
Terms of Reference; reporting formats and cycles; include details of
meetings on Project plan as management milestones)
Attach Project organisation structure diagram as Annex (include
contact details of key roles – SRO, Project (and – appropriate)
Support) Manager and key Project partner leads). If Project fits within
larger Programme then outline fit into wider Programme structure
Detail name including where from in DfES other organisation:
o Project SRO
o (if appropriate) Project Director
o Project and Support Managers (& Deputyies)
o Strand Managers (if any)
o Brief description outline as to how Project is to be funded over
its life etc (simple table showing FY allocati may suffice)
o who? what they are doing? are they Full Time Equivalent
(FTE) or Part Time (PT) etc?
o Include skills use cultants etc
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[name] Page 1 of 5 [name] PROJECT PROJECT BRIEF planning on which plans etc are based State level of confidence Ctraints Include any know difficulties ctraints (e.g. legislative compliance issues etc) that Project may well be liable to. External Factors Brief descripti as to what external factors (e.g. further Machinery of Government (MOG) changes Government reform中国前10名整形医院
What is in the scope of the Project? What is not in the scope of the Project? Objectives郭文军
Outputs etc查查吧
What are the key work strands
Project (and – appropriate) Support) Manager and key Project partner leads). If Project fits within larger Programme then outline fit into wider Programme structure Detail name including where from in DfES other organisation
[name] Page 2 of 5 [name] PROJECT PROJECT BRIEF (latter may well be developed as separate detailed contingency plan) Include short description of how risks to be managed and any escalation (to sub ProgrammeProgramme -level etc) routes lines Include review of assumpti – what happens if assumpti proved wrong? Key Issues
What is in the scope of the Project? What is not in the scope of the Project? Objectives郭文军
19 PM Author